What is Activ8?

The project 

It's a project in which both teachers and students use English in the classroom in all lessons, not just the English class. Students get used to communicating in English in different contexts and moments.

We can meet the challenge of becoming a center open to Europe, which cares about its students' academic, professional and educational development.

Some teachers  of the INS Alfons Costafreda in Tàrrega are engaged in the  Grup d’Experimentació per al Plurilingüisme (GEP) with the support of the Foriegn Langages Department  of the school and the Educational Services of the catalan region  of Urgell. 

The experience will take place during the school years 2014/2015 i 2015/2016, and will be integrated to the educational and linguistic project of the school.

This project will be developed in the following courses:

CFGS Desenvolupament d’Aplicacions Multiplataforma (DAM) 1r curs,
MP2 Bases de Dades
CFGS Administració i Finances 2n curs, MP12 Formació i Orientació Laboral
CFGM Manteniment electromecànic 1r curs, MP8 Formació i Orientació Laboral
1r ESO, Educació Física
2n ESO, Ciències Socials i Habilitats Socials
4t ESO, Educació Ètico-Cívica
1r Batxillerat, Química i Filosofia

The teachers
The teachers are learning new methodologies in instrumental English, for example the CLIL methodology, participating in training courses in Catalonia and abroad. This is possible because the school has become the Programm KA1 (Erasmus+) for teacher training.

Tomàs Bigordà, Computer teacher

Jordi Capdevila, Physical Education teacher

Montse Garcia, Philosophy teacher

She attends the Teacher Training Course - CLIL in the CES School in  Dublin.

Pamela Moles, Chemistry teacher

M. Rosa Pijuan, Administration and Finances teacher

Shet attends the Business English course in Malta.

Rosa Villaró,  Administration and Finances teacher

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