diumenge, 26 de juliol del 2015

A walk in Glendalough, learning in the real world

Today I went to Glendalough with Ana, a friend of the course. We took a bus from Dublin express to Glendalough (in Gaelic, the valley with two lakes). Allthaugh it rained almost all the time, we could take a nice walk around the lakes. The place is really wonderful.

Tower in Glendalough

The Romanic Cathedral

The Lower Lake

The Poulanas Waterfalls

The Upper Lake

Three pictures to think about

The post in the Upper lake reminds me of a collaborative work, like those that we make in class, but in the real world.

The exposition in the house of the natural park reminds me of the importance of the context, behind the simple words, to make comprehension possible.


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